Absolute Basophil Count (ABC) Analysis
Absolute Basophil Count (ABC) is a measurement that quantifies the number of basophils, in a blood sample. Basophils are the least common type of white blood cell but play important roles in the immune response, particularly in allergic reactions and inflammation.
ABC Reference Range:
Normal Range: Between 0 and 200 cells/µL of blood.

Addressing abnormal ABC levels typically requires identifying and treating the root cause, be it conditions causing inflammation, allergic reactions, or more serious blood-related disorders. A thorough approach, including regular monitoring, evaluating clinical symptoms, and analyzing other blood parameters, is crucial for the accurate diagnosis and effective management of issues impacting basophil counts. Determining the specific cause demands a detailed medical history review, physical examination, and targeted diagnostic tests. Treatment strategies are then tailored to tackle these underlying issues, with interventions possibly including managing allergies and inflammation or addressing hematological diseases, aiming to normalize basophil levels and ensure comprehensive patient care.