Imagine our genetic code as a vast library of books that contain all the information needed to build and maintain our bodies. Each book represents a gene, and the pages within the book are like the DNA sequences that make up the gene.
Picture peptides as messengers, similar to text messages or phone calls. They act as communicators between cells, coordinating various processes in your body. It’s like having a cell phone network within you.
The pineal gland, situated deep in your brain, is like a Wi-Fi hub. It produces peptides, including melatonin, which regulates your sleep-wake cycle and other functions. The pineal gland functions as a central hub, transmitting these peptide messages to different parts of your body, connecting cells and tissues.
In simpler terms, just as an active cell phone is needed to communicate for business or with loved ones, your body requires active peptides to send signals to cells and tissues.