Elevate your Red Light Therapy Clinic with breath analysis
The test analyzes your metabolism, VO2max, and biological age to prescribe nutrition and lifestyle personalized your biology and a treatment plan based on your clinic's services.

In under 10-mins, VO2MaX analyzes, non-invasively, instantly, and without labwork, 23 biomarkers that assess vital areas, including metabolism, cellular function, heart & lung fitness, fat-burning efficiency, and biological age.
Measure VO2MaX, energy needs, and biological age in under 10 minutes with lab-grade accuracy non-invasively and without lab work.

The most complete picture of human biology lies in the breath.

Our AI analyzes the data from the test, along with other biometric tests you may be offering, to provide the complete picture of your client’s bodies, and their biological ages and provide comprehensive nutrition, training, and lifestyle recommendations tailored to their biological needs.
360o view of your physiology
BIOLOGICAL AGE Analyze your biological age as well as how long and well you are estimated to live. According to the American Heart Association this test provides the most reliable and accurate measure of longevity and mortality risk.
ENERGY NEEDS & CELLS Analyze your energy needs, determine the optimal calorie intake for your goal, and measure how effectively your cells burn fats and carbohydrates at rest and during exercise. This information may also reveal the risk of cellular dysfunctions.
FAT BURN & RECOVERY Analyze how effectively your cells utilize oxygen, burn fat as a fuel source, and clear fatigue metabolites during exercise. This information is also used to determine the optimal macro intake during exercise.
BRAIN & POSTURE Analyze how your breath affects cognitive performance, balance, and mytoskeletal stability. Proper breathing is vital for maintaining high levels of brain activity and avoiding injuries such as lower back pain.